Vaping FAQ's | Vapestore Blog

Cannabis and Vaping

Cannabis and Vaping

You may have heard stories of people using their e-cigarettes as a way to inhale cannabis. But is it fact or fiction?

What is 50/50 E-Liquid?

What is 50/50 E-Liquid?

You may have heard the phrase ‘50/50 e-liquid’ bandied about, but what exactly is a universal vape juice? The answer is actually a rather simple one.

Is Vaping addictive?

Is Vaping addictive?

Whether or not vaping is addictive and if it’s a safe alternative to smoking is a controversial topic and there’s a lot of misinformation going around.

Today we’re taking a look at some of the commonly-asked questions about vaping, how it compares to smoking and whether or not it’s addictive.

The rocky road of menthol e-liquid

The rocky road of menthol e-liquid

When it comes to e-liquid flavours, few are more hotly debated than menthol e-liquid. It inspires discussion on both sides. Some people love it. While others want to see it banned. Here we are going to take a look at the rocky road that menthol e-liquid is having.

Uncovering the myths about passive vaping

Uncovering the myths about passive vaping

The harmful effects of breathing in second-hand smoke from tobacco cigarettes are well documented - in the last three decades multiple public health campaigns have helped people understand the danger of passive smoking in the home and car.

A Brief History of Vaping and E-Cigarettes

A Brief History of Vaping and E-Cigarettes

Find out everything you need to know about the history of e-cigarettes including who invented them and how they came to be so popular.

What is Temperature Control Vaping?

What is Temperature Control Vaping?

Electronic Cigarette technology is showing no signs of plateauing. With incredible advancements happening every day in the world of vaping. So what is temperature control vaping? Keep reading to find out.

E-cigarettes Are 95% Less Harmful Than Tobacco Cigarettes

E-cigarettes Are 95% Less Harmful Than Tobacco Cigarettes

Britain's Department of Health released a study this week reporting that Electronic cigarettes are around 95 percent less harmful than tobacco stating also that they should be promoted as a tool to help smokers quit.

Is smoking linked to an increase in acne?

Is smoking linked to an increase in acne?

 What if we told you that scientists have discovered that smoking, not only increases wrinkles, it can also be linked to causing spots and acne!

E-Cigars: is there a smoking alternative for everybody?

E-Cigars: is there a smoking alternative for everybody?

A fairly new product in the expanding world of electronic smoking (or vaping, as it is commonly known), the E-Cigar has already been dubbed the El Dorado of tobacco replacement by those who know what they're talking about. Read on to find out more...