For updates on the rulings about e-cigs on air planes as of August 2014, click here.
Electronic cigarettes have rapidly become the most popular smoking cessation aid in the UK. They are gaining popularity in a number of other countries around the world. If you're travelling via air travel, it's easy to apply nicotine patches or chew nicotine gum. But what are the regulations on e-cigarettes? Sadly, there's no simple answer. While some airlines will be happy for you to puff away, others may not be so keen. If you do take your e-cig with you, it's worth taking a sturdier model (we offer plenty here at Vapouriz). To avoid the risk of breakage during air travel, make sure any e-liquid is taken on board in a plastic bag to avoid it being confiscated.
Vapes on a plane!
Vaping on a plane during air travel isn't technically illegal. So what's the problem? Well, you may get some concern from fellow passengers who might not be able to tell the difference. You may well risk the wrath of the cabin crew. Rather than expecting to be able to vape away, it's always wise to check airline policies beforehand. As some airlines explicitly state that using e-cigarettes is forbidden whilst in during air travel.
Electronic cigarettes on planes in the EU
However there are some airlines that are happy to let their passengers use their E Cigarettes on Airplanes. As e-cigarettes are so popular and well recognised in parts of the EU. A good example of this is RyanAir. They are more than happy to let their passengers vape away during air travel. Make sure you read through airline policies when booking or speak to a member of the customer service team to check before you fly, however.
Electronic cigarettes on planes outside of the EU
US airlines in particular have cracked down on using E Cigarettes on Airplanes. With a number of airlines banning them completely. Vaping is more popular in Europe and less common elsewhere in the world. Meaning that it is always worth checking before you fly.
If in doubt: ask the cabin crew. It can sometimes be hard to tell what an airline's policy is before flying without talking to them first. The important thing to remember is to check if you're unsure. Ask the cabin crew before you set off to avoid any upset, embarrassment or panic from fellow passengers. If you are allowed to vape on board, it may be worth doing so in the rest room rather than at your seat. To avoid fellow passengers becoming anxious, and to allow you to take a draw of your delicious vape in peace.